So here are a few things that have been going on with us recently: -
Jarvis - We aquired another addition to the family on Monday this week in the form of Jarvis the cat.
His breed is a rag doll and we bought him from a relative of Sue's friend Louise after they bought him and he didn't get on with their Persian who is old and irritable and couldn't cope with a young cat wanting to play with it. he is really really gorgeous as you can see, the breed is derived from a Persian and they are the largest breed of house cat i think. They get their name because they are all floppy and docile (supposedly) also they are meant to be very good with children which so far is true. Noah being Noah wanted to pick him up and carry him around the house as soon as they met (poor thing) and Jarvis didn't complain and they are getting on very well up to now. Phoebe and jarvis is another matter though, Jarvis doesn't like phoebe as yet and tries to bat her and jump on her poor thing and she is cowering away from him at the moment, iam sure they will become friends though soon enough, Jarvis definitely wants to be the boss though so watch this space. We have named him Jarvis as his name was Harvey which didn't suit a cat to live with us, our last cats name was 'What ya doing' so it needed to be a bit different. Jarvis is after Jarvis cocker and James Jarvis the cartoon graphic artist. Will post some more pics of him and noah once both of them sit still long enough to get a picture in focus.
Long weekend away - We were away at the caravan in Arnside for the weekend just gone,
We took Noah for his first ride on a train to grange over sands where we had a walk and noah had a play on the park at the sea front.
Also we did a lot of playing on the beach building sand castles (well Dad built sand castles whilst Noah tried to destroy them)
And Noah got his first fishing net, so we were trying to catch some tiddlers, all we managed to get where some dead crabs which had washed in with the tide, Noah was happy though.
This one is of Noah sat on a fallen tree posing for the camera.
Well thats it for our first blog entry, next time i will post a load of pictures which i have been meaning to shrink and email to people for ages.